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Cubeworld Reference Page

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General Info: Some people seem to experience “crash” after installing some mods, this Redist was able to fix it for some :

      • vc_redist


This is the list of all the known/relevant mods for cubeworld. They are listed as their actual .dll name for convenience, that way you can look up if you have a mod in your /Mods folder that you dont know the source or what it does. It is worth mentioning that some .cwmod listed here have a .dll loader, that was usefull a couple days, but since the modloader have legacy support for .cwmod those .dll are deprecated (WeaponXP.dll / BrightNight.dll / BetterProgression.dll). Just delete them, keep the .cwmod and you wont get any error regarding the CWSDK version.

-Sprites/Models “mods” are actually list on this page : Custom Models

-Dict modification for localization, Pet Name on Food and such are list on this page : Dict Modification

-Same for Reshade-Pack if ever there’s more in the future. As there is only Pikyso’s Pack so far it’s still listed down here. There’s also sound-pack that could be added to change some of the game music, but let me admit all the one i’ve seen so far were either pretty shitty or for a precise target audience, if it ever become relevant I should add a dedicated page for them too.


[NEW] - New mod will get this tag.

_Concept Mod_ - Just a subjective way to say those mods are not 100% polished, which mean you may run into more bugs then with other mods.

🞱 - Mods with an asterix are those I consider noteworthy for some reasons.


Mod List

CubeModLoader.fip , ChrisMiuchiz : 🞱 What you actually need to mod the game. That one goes next to the cubeworld.exe and you create a /Mods folder where you put all the other .dll or .cwmod

Win7Fix , Ando : 🞱 If you want to play on Win7 it’s a must have

BuildingMod.dll , ChrisMiuchiz : 🞱 One of the best mods out there, it lets you build in cubeworld pretty straight forward

ChatMod.dll , ChrisMiuchiz : 🞱 Again one of the best mods, fix the chat actually not working in multiplayer

CommandsMod.dll , ChrisMiuchiz : 🞱 Add commands to the base game, a lot of them are pretty usefull

BetterBiomes.dll , Julyuary : Kinda deprecated, not update by the original author for CWSDK-7.1 . Make one kind of biomes to vanish from the game.

BrightNight.cwmod (BrightNight.dll) , Frognik : Could be nice to see comparison before/after.

WeaponXP.cwmod (WeaponXP.dll) , Frognik : _Concept Mod_ Known to bug in some occasion, but nothing that major that would prevent you to play either.

Cubemod.cwmod (BetterProgression.dll) , ArisHack : _Concept Mod_ Not 100% polish, but a nice really nice concept regarding region lock. Important to know it use the rand() function and generate random pillar at some point ( you will see them dont worry :p )

ChangeSpecializationMod.dll , ZaneYork : Add a command to change specialisation, exactly the same as going to the npc. May be usefull for brand new game you dont want to play X specialisation.

LocalizationMod.dll , ZaneYork : Only usefull to translate the game, not usefull to most player but i thought it was nice to add it here in case.

InfiniteStackMod.dll , ZaneYork : Bypass all the game stack limite, pretty usefull until there’s a proper Capacity Fix mod for Apple/Lemon/Banana

UnlockMapIconMod.dll , ZaneYork : Let you show some icons on the map

ClassLoader.dll , Nichiren : _Concept Mod_ 🞱 That one is a personal favorite, concept mod ( not 100% polish) but still amazing, there’s a talent tree hiden in here 👀

CrownMod.dll , Nichiren : _Concept Mod_ Little mod mostly unknown, let you ‘‘wear’’ a crown. The placement of some arent 100% accurate, but still another nice concept mod.

CubeMegaMod.dll , Nichiren : 🞱 Prolly THE best mod out there, a loooot of feature well explained on his GitHub pointless to repeat. Some have notice some interaction problem after a while under water or for other reasons, it’s a known bug atm the only fix is to restart the game. May cause weird interaction with other mod that modifie the region lock, turn off mod id 8 in such case.

CubeGression.dll , Nichiren : 🞱 Amazing: Add artifacts combat stats, pretty amazing if you want more meaningfull ‘‘bonus’’ for each level.

CubeMoneyScaler.dll , Nichiren : _Concept Mod_ Scale your damage with how much gold you have. Also drop more money/items when your level gets higher, and regen some mana/stamina/hp on coin pick up.

CubeScreenResizer.dll , Nichiren : 🞱 Amazing: I consider this a fix, resizes your cubeworld screen as defined config file when loading the game :3

PetChanger.dll , Nichiren : In my mind that’s an underrated one, add a command to change your pet. Totally a hack but it’s pure fun !

TournamentClient.dll , Nichiren : Let you challenge your friend in swag arena :D (other mods not available with this one to limit cheat)

LichModsPvP.dll , LichGroup : _Concept Mod_ Add a pvp toggle command

LichModsMonk.dll , LichGroup : _Concept Mod_ add a new class the monk a weaponless class. Some bugs are known with the megamod, and it overwrite 1 ranger abilities iirc. But dont worry it’s comming soonish to the CubeMegaMod!

LichModsCubeTravel.dll , LichGroup : 🞱 A lot of people like this one : Let you use the Glider/Boat/Reins in any region, with cubemod.cwmod you may end up with multiple Special Items on the top left corner.

LichModsGuardianFix.dll , LichGroup : 🞱 Amazing : Fix the Guardian health bonus, 25% instead of 25 flat hp.

LichModsCubePatch.dll , LichGroup : 🞱 Amazing : Fix artifacts bonus that dont work properly in the base game.

dxgi.dll*InMainFolder , Pikyso : 🞱 Reshade + Shader Pack for cubeworld release in the style of the alpha

BetterMap.dll , Paroyer : _Concept Mod_ Let you turn on map modification with ease

UnlimitedSwimming.dll , Nichiren : _Concept Mod_ Let you go underwater longuer.

NoGoldLoss.dll , Nichiren : _Concept Mod_ Remove gold loss.

LiveCubReload.dll , Ando : Archived Concept mod to reload .cub with out relaunching the game.