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Cubeworld Reference Page

[ WIP ]


A Cube World mod adding item/enemy scaling, useful artifact stats, modified item spawn rates, and pvp. Let you /setcenter and scale mob/item with distance.

Known Bugs and/or Conflict

• Artifacts are shown multiple time in the top left bar.

• Dont forget to /setcenter or ennemie scalling will be weird.

• Cant use 2 char with the same name or you will get the previous one /setcenter.

Compatibility Table

Version : CWSDK-7.1 CWSDK-6.1 CWSDK-5.1

*As a legacy mod it’s directly compatible with the last version of the modloader, dont use the .dll wrapper *

Side Note

• Be carefull on the Repo link, the latest version shown on the right side is 1.0. Actually it’s 1.02, check all Release to be sure and even tho it says to use Frognik modloader don’t.

• You can always edit/delete the /setcenter value for each of your char via the modcfg.txt inside the main Cube World folder.



      Original Author Repo: cubemod by ArishHack
