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Cubeworld Reference Page

[ WIP ]

*General Info: You can actually name you pet however you like with /namepet <CustomName>*

*General Info: There’s a duplicate pet bug, idk where to put this SteamGuide yet so here you go: ClonePet*

Catalogue of Pet & Food Model

    Pet&Food Model Catalogue


Pet-List Embed Test

Pet without the [Rideable] tag have a speed of 1:1, and those with it 2:1.

Only the Turtle is tag as [Tank], but the Baby Mamoth and Bark Beetle should be too.


• The caught list wont save since this is an embed, just go on the source page if you want to use it. This is mostly for documentation purpose, it’s one of the most extensive pet list there is.

All Pet even non-tameable


Click to expand

