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Cubeworld Reference Page

[ WIP ]


This mod implements additional commands into Cube World. It also adds the ability to use the arrow keys to get messages you have previously sent, like how most command lines work.

Known Bugs and/or Conflict

Compatibility Table

Version : CWSDK-7.1 CWSDK-6.1 CWSDK-5.1

Side Note


Get help

/help [page number]

Display world coordinates


Teleport in terms of map coordinates


Teleport to another player


Set time

/settime :

Set name


Connect to a server via steam ID


Connect to a server using an alias, specified in Mods\CommandsMod\join.txt


Allow anyone to connect to your server

/server open

Stop allowing anyone to connect to your server

/server close

Refuse all new sessions

/server block

Enable blacklisting Steam IDs specified in Mods\CommandsMod\blacklist.txt

/server blacklist

Log new session requests

/server log

Teleport to your cursor position on the map


Create a waypoint/home you can teleport to


Teleport to a waypoint/home


Change chat size

/gui chat

Use a skill - This will also tell you the identifier of the skill, if available.


Play a sound



      Original Author Repo: CommandMod by ChrisMiuchiz Cubeworld God
