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Cubeworld Reference Page

[ WIP ]


I personally recommend creating a /Mods and /InactiveMods folder and just copy/paste what you want to use or not.


0-Locate cubeworld folder, default path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cube World

1-Download CubeModLoader.fip, drag and drop next to cubeworld.exe

2-Create a /Mods folder

3-Drop mod .dll/.cwmod inside /Mods

4-Launch cubeworld.exe, select if you want to play with Mods or no, then a message will appear and confirm you which mods are loaded

You may need the unpacked cubeworld.exe, if ever some mods dont launch, but somepeople report they always used the default cubeworld.exe

Just look at steamless documentation, or grab that one : Unpacked cubeworld.exe

I personally recommend to rename your actual cubeworld.exe to cubeworld–packed.exe or what not, just in case.

